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Graphic Design
King Lear Promotional PosterA promotional poster for the Dartmouth Rude Mechanical's production of Shakespeare's King Lear. | V-February JournalAn article published through Dartmouth College Student Health Promotions and Wellness. | Flu is Back JournalAn article published through Dartmouth College Student Health Promotions and Wellness. |
Guiltless Pleasures JournalAn article published through Dartmouth College Student Health Promotions and Wellness. | Macbeth Promotional PosterA promotional poster for the Dartmouth Rude Mechanicals' 2014 performance of Macbeth. | Macbeth LogoA promotional logo for the Dartmouth Rude Mechanicals' 2014 performance of Macbeth. |
As You Like It LogoA promotional logo for the Dartmouth Rude Mechanicals' 2014 performance of As You Like It. | Winter Carnival 2014Describe your image here | All's Well That Ends Well LogoA promotional logo for the Dartmouth Rude Mechanicals' 2014 performance of All's Well That Ends Well. |
The Winter's Tale LogoA promotional logo for the Dartmouth Rude Mechanicals' 2014 performance of The Winter's Tale. | The Dartmouth Rude Mechanicals LogoA promotional logo for the Dartmouth Rude Mechanicals, a student theater group based at Dartmouth College. |
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